quarta-feira, 19 de agosto de 2015

Day 4 – IBM CSC China 30 Kickoff, Customer meeting and Xi’an City Wall bike riding

IBM CSC China 30 Official Picture

Today was a day where we were with a high level expectation. It is the kick-off day in our #IBMCSC China. The first time that we will meet the NGO (ONG) organization that we will work with. Our team expectation was really high. All customer will be in a conference meeting room and the kickoff had the follow agenda:

-        IBM CSC Program Presentation
-        NGO (ONG) Participants Introduction
-        IBM CSC Team Introduction
-        Projects Introduction
-        #IBMCSC China Program Picture

It was a very formal event, as you can see by our dressing style. Also some media channels from China were covering the event.
After we had a lunch together to know the team we will have to work with. It was a very good lunch at the Hotel Restaurant.

After we had a working session in the afternoon. In our project with the GDS CGO (ONG) organization, the described their mother organization (SRAWF – Shanxi Research Association for Women and Family) history and also a little bit about their history.  It was a very heavy day. I am tired.

To relax, Shen Shou and Paul invited us to go to Xi’an City Wall to do a bike ride. It was a fantastic opportunity. Our ride was about 14 kilometers and it took around 1:40 minutes. The city is so beautiful. The mix of the ancient architecture with the modern building is phenomenal. It was a great pleasure. On this ride, there were myself, Abhay, Andy, Irena, Shen Shuo and Paul.

After we had lunch together and had some drinks, before going back to the hotel to refresh to our first meeting at customer site tomorrow. Today I had the opportunity to try the Chinese Hamburger. It is a hamburger made with Pork meat. It is delicious!

Chopsticks Machine

Chinese Hmaburguer

Day 3 – Jet Leg recovery, IBM CSC China Orientation Section and Team Dinner

Today I had the opportunity to have a free morning to recover from the Jet Lag. The afternoon was really great with our orientation section about the #IBMCSC China. We had a session about IBM Security in China, another about IBM Corporate Citizenship in China e several group dynamics about teamwork, communication and process improvement. It was great to have the opportunity to interact more between IBM team and also with our interpreters.

Some topics highlighted in the afternoon:

-        Communication is a key element on these engagements;
-        The transformations process already started on those NGO. Our mission is to evolve it.
-        Work close with the NGO, with focus on knowledge transfer and mentoring is fundamental to the future.

At night, we had the Team Welcome Dinner. It was a great experience. It was a typical Chinese restaurant. Arriving at the restaurant, I saw several aquariums with Live Fish. Chinese people like so much to eat fresh fish, so they choose each fish they do want to eat and ask the restaurant to cook it.
Our dinner was so diverse with several Chinese food, including Lamb, pork, beef, chicken, noodles, and vegetables. In general, the food is very spicy. It was a great experience. To eat with the shop sticks continue to be a challenge for me.

sábado, 15 de agosto de 2015

Day 2 – Meeting the team and City Exploration

I had a very long night. I suffered a lot with the Jet Lag. I wake up at 4:30 AM (17:30 in Brazil) and could not sleep anymore. I asked myself, should I call home? Should I work a little bit? I forced myself to stay in the bed trying to sleep again and to absorb the new time zone. After one hour rolling from side to side, I could sleep again.

I met the entire #IBMCSC China team at the breakfast. It was a great opportunity to meet everybody in person after 3 months together participating in the preparation calls.

After the breakfast, Lisa (one of our interpreters), guided us to the supermarket. In the way we stopped to a laundry to take a look in the prices. It was amazing a group of Chinese has stopped us and asked to take a photo with the team. It was amazing. I think that probably they have never seen so many people from different regions together. I was feeling like a rockstar or as somebody from Mars.

The supermarket was a great experience. I saw several different things. You can go and choose an alive fish in one aquarium that they take with a net and wrap to you.

At 1:00 PM we met to go to a city tour. We went to 3 different local attractions:

1 – Giant Wild Goose Pagoda – A Buddhist Temple. It is a very interesting place. 
Giant Wild Goose Pagoda

2 – Tang Dynasty Theme Park -  A very beautiful park where we had the opportunity to learn more about China Dynasties history and culture.

Tang Dynasty Theme Park
 3 – Xi’an City Wall

Xi’an City Wall

Original Chinese Food
At night, my first experience with real Chinese food. It was FANTASTIC! I drunk a bottle of plum juice. I also ate noodles, spaghetti, lamb meat and beef. I also ate broccoli that was very tasteful. My biggest challenge was to use the shop sticks. 

Xi'an Muslim Street
Plum Juice. One bottle per person.